Wasps Nests Control in Bali
Pest Control Services

Wasps Nests Control

Dealing with wasp nests can be somewhat dangerous as they can sting multiple times, not just once, like a bee. Wasps will instinctively attack anyone that ventures too near to their nest, they usually have lookout wasps near the entrance to the nest and these seem to have some kind of communication with wasps that are within the nest. When danger appears, suddenly, so do a number of wasps.

Why choose our services?

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Methods
  • Experienced technicians.
  • Eco-Friendly

Wasps Nests Control

Wasp species are categorized as social or solitary. As their name implies, social wasps live in colonies, which may number in the thousands. One type of dangerous wasp in Indonesia is a type of vespa wasp whose attack can lead to death.The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy always prioritizes prevention efforts, especially by eliminating food, water, and nesting sites for rats. Eradication efforts are taken when the pest population has caused losses to residents or your business. Our extermination method is a combination of various innovative methods, and of course it is safe for families, pets, and the environment. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) selalu mengedepankan upaya pencegahan, yaitu dengan mengeliminasi sumber makanan, air dan tempat bersarang bagi tikus. Upaya pembasmian diambil ketika populasi hama sudah menimbulkan kerugian bagi penghuni atau bisnis anda. Metode Pembasmian yang kami lakukan dengan kombinasi berbagai metode inovatif dan tentunya aman bagi keluarga, hewan peliharaan maupun lingkungan.

Wasps Nests Control
Initial & Regular Treatments

Initial treatment is the first treatment that aims to reduce the pest population to a level that does not cause harm. Furthermore, it carries out regular monitoring and treatment (if necessary) to ensure the pest population is controlled. We strive to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides by physical control methods.

Natural Pesticide
If the use of pesticides is deemed necessary, we offer the use of natural pesticides. With the right method, the use of organic pesticides is as effective as synthetic pesticides.
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Pest Control Ecoforpest

Why choose our services?

Integrated Pest Management

Pest control with an integrated pest management strategy.

Incorporated Companies

Ecoforpest (CV Eco Dwi Jaya Abadi) is a business entity that has an opersional pest control license.

Natural Pesticide Organik

Choice of natural pesticide for those of you who are concerned about the environment.

Questions & Answers
How much does wasps nests control service cost?
The calculation of the cost of eliminating pests depends on the type of pest, the number of treatments and the property size. In other words, an inspection must be carried out by our team of experts to calculate the estimated cost.
Why do pest keep coming back?
You need to understand that pests enter the house for three reasons, which are food, water, and nesting places. Besides that, pests can also come from your neighbors. So, pest control is an effort to control pests that must be carried out in a sustainable manner.
Is the use of natural pesticides effective?
In our experience, if done by the right method. natural pesticides are just as effective as synthetic pesticides.
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