If your dog is scratching and you think it is fleas, there are many ways to get rid of dog fleas, whether you are looking for a natural homemade method, comb, scrub or something else. The list below is how to get rid of dog fleas using natural ingredients” scrub, atau yang lainnya. Di kutip dari Ariastra.My.ID, berikut ini merupakan cara membasmi kutu anjing dengan bahan alami.

Baca juga: Mengenal Jenis Kutu pada Anjing dan Cara Membasminya

1. Lemon water bath

This lemon bath is easy to make and will keep your pet fresh and feeling flea-free. Simply dilute half a cup of fresh lemon juice in two cups of water, and then add a squeeze of soap or your normal pet friendly shampoo for a natural way to treat pleasure in dogs.

2. Pet-Friendly Shampoo

Any pet-friendly shampoo that creates lather will naturally kill any fleas present. Choose the best option for a natural flea remedy, which is an organic pet shampoo without any added chemicals. After your dog has been sufficiently soaped, let the shampoo soak in for just a few minutes to allow the shampoo to work properly. This is a great way to kill fleas on your dog.

3. Rosemary Dip

If your dog enjoys playing in water, this Rosemary mix will seem like a fun game rather than a flea medication. Soak fresh rosemary leaves in boiling water, then strain the mixture and remove well in warm water. When the water reaches a comfortable temperature, pour the mixture over your dog and let it dry naturally.

4. Multifunctional Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural insect repellent and one of the lesser known flea treatments. If you can get this oil that is originally from Burma, Sri Lanka, and parts of India, you can apply it directly to your dog's skin, add it to your natural dog shampoo, or dilute it well to make your own flea spray.

5. Organic Soap

By swapping your dog's shampoo for an organic soap like organic peppermint soap or organic Rose soap, you can wash your dog as usual and get a dog that's flea-free and smells good on the ends.

6. Aromatherapy Spray

If you are familiar with aromatherapy, you can make some aromatherapy sprays that will not only treat fleas but also prevent them from coming back, while acting as a natural sedative for your dog. Try sweet almond oil as a base oil, and add drops of Atlas cedar oil, lemon eucalyptus oil, geranium oil, laurel oil, myrrh oil, and lavender oil.

7. Coconut Oil Rub

Is there anything coconut oil can't do? Coconut oil can help a lot when treating fleas. Applying a teaspoon of coconut oil directly to your dog's skin will not only repel fleas but will make the dog's skin and coat shiny and can reduce body odor. When added to your dog's normal diet, coconut oil can even help treat intestinal parasites due to its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

8. Drink Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar

To combat and prevent ticks from the inside out, try adding plain vinegar or apple cider vinegar to your dog's drinking water. You have to test them first to make sure they enjoy the taste. One teaspoon of vinegar for every four glasses of drinking water is a good ratio to make this mixture. Not only will you keep the fleas at bay, your dog's coat and skin will also have other benefits.

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bawang putih untuk membasmi kutu anjing

Not only does it contain vitamins and minerals, this kitchen spice also has the ability to kill fleas in dogs.

There are at least two ways to get rid of or get rid of dog fleas

by using a white bottom. First, by making a garlic extract spray. Second, feed the dog raw garlic. Here's the complete method!

Baca juga: Cara Menghilangkan Demodex pada Anjing

To combat and prevent ticks from the inside out, try adding plain or apple cider vinegar to your dog's drinking water. You have to test them first to make sure they enjoy the taste. One teaspoon of vinegar for every four glasses of drinking water is a good ratio to make this mixture. Not only to get rid of the fleas, but also your dog's coat and skin will have other benefits. There are some ways to get rid of dog fleas with natural ingredients. This is done so that your pet is protected from harmful chemicals. If you need professional pest control to get rid of dog fleas, please contact ecoforpest via the online form.